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Liver function diagnostic test kits are essential tools for health screening, allowing medical professionals to quickly and accurately diagnose liver disorders. Here are some reasons why liver function diagnostic test kits are so important:
Liver function diagnostic test kits can detect liver disorders at an early stage, allowing for timely treatment and prevention of further damage to the liver. The liver is responsible for many vital functions in the body, including detoxification, metabolism, and the production of bile. Liver disorders can affect these functions, leading to serious health problems. By detecting liver disorders early, medical professionals can take steps to prevent further damage to the liver and improve patient outcomes.
Liver function diagnostic test kits are easy to use, making them an ideal tool for health screening in both clinical and home settings. The kits typically involve a simple blood test, which can be performed by medical professionals or patients themselves. The results are usually available within minutes, allowing for immediate diagnosis and treatment.

This kit is used to quantitatively detect the activity of aspartate aminotransferase in human serum in vitro.
Background of Clinical Indications
It is used for the auxiliary diagnosis of myocardial or liver injury, renal or pancreatic cell injury. Increased: AST can be increased in patients with various liver disorders. AST / ALT ratio is less than 1 in patients with early stage of liver disorder and chronic hepatitis; AST / ALT ratio is more than 1 in patients with severe liver disorder and late stage of liver disorder; AST is also increased slightly in patients with other diseases such as myocarditis, nephritis and pneumonia. AST is significantly increased in patients with toxic hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and biliary tract diseases.