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Home / News / Industry News / ACE activity detection kit is suitable for scientific research laboratories and clinical diagnostic research

ACE activity detection kit is suitable for scientific research laboratories and clinical diagnostic research

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) is an important vasoactive peptidase that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II, which has a strong vasoconstrictive effect. The activity detection of ACE is of great significance for the research and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and metabolic syndrome.

The ACE activity detection kit is used for in vitro quantitative determination of the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme in serum or plasma, and is suitable for scientific research laboratories and clinical diagnostic research. The kit is divided into four specifications, namely I003-a (60 x 2, 7170 packaging), I003-b (100 x 1, 7060 packaging), I003-c (100 x 1, compatible with Beckman CX series/LX20 series/DXC600/800 series and AU series) and I003-d (50 x 2, suitable for TBA 120FR/TBA 2000FR/TBA40FR and other equipment). Kits of different specifications can meet the needs of different users and ensure the flexibility and applicability of the experiment.

This kit uses a sensitive and accurate detection method to quickly determine the activity level of ACE in the sample. The experiment is easy to operate and the results are stable and reliable. The kit contains a complete set of reagents and operation instructions, and users can choose the appropriate detection scheme according to the experimental needs. It is suitable for clinical research, diagnostic testing and drug development of cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease research and related diseases such as hypertension.

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